interactive whiteboard

The first time we start the ICT's class, our lecturer tell us about interactive whiteboard (IWB). This is the second time I have the opportunity to learn how to use IWB. The first time I am exposed with IWB, I do not have the chance to learn deeply about iwb. Interactive whiteboard (IWB) is a large interactive display that connects to a computer and projector. A projector projects the computer's desktop onto the board's surface where users control the computer using pen provided or finger. The board is typically mounted to a wall of floor stand. in my opinion, the using of IWB in teaching and learning at school is very helpful because it is equipped with many attractive and interesting features. We can easily drag and write on the IWB using finger or the pen provided with the IWB. Besides that, we also can save lessons that day for the students who were absent. For a teacher that teaches Mathamatics, they can show the steps of mathematic problems on the spot if there is any missing steps. The interactiveness and creativeness of the IWB also can helps to attract the desire of the students to involve and active in any activity in the class.

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