teaching philosophy

During our lab session, we were asked to create our own blog as our teaching e-portfolio. Portfolio literally means a case for carrying loose papers. In our situation, teaching e-portfolio is a place for us to keep all of the information about us, our findings and certificates. This is important as it can help us to gather all of our important information in one file. Therefore, we do not have to carry all of these collections in a luggage because they become heavy as the number of collections increases. We just carry our laptop. Besides that, we also can arrange our collections properly and neatly. When I am updating my teaching philosophy, I also have learnt many things about blogging. I hope that this blog can give benefits to other people that read my blog.

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..welcome to my teaching e-portfolio..

..this blog was created to fulfill the requirement in subject

SSI 3013 (ICT in Science)..

..hope you'll enjoy reading this blog and feel free to drop any comments..


